What to do..

" Eh zai ah, when is you're next exam ah ? "

o.o" ... dunno

" Study hard and you get a good grades "

" Yu dun setadi u dai ah ! "

Exam oh exam... kenapa kau ni selalu menyusahkan kehidupan kami ini...

Besides having an exam timetable, there are other signs that can show that a catastrophic disaster is nearing...

So sad...

Ok, back to the topic
( you may have a different order, so... please don't criticise me / . \ )

perhaps you'll prefer them in point form o_o

- you will notice that more and more people are able to answer Pn Lim's questions...

- more and more people are absent... day by day

- however, more people TURNED UP for their tuitions -.-"

- more stress / emo / scary people..

- teachers are also struggling to finish the syllabus

- more people asking " eh, you know how to do this ar? " while pointing at exersice books that you've never seen before

- people either lose weight... or gain weight ._.

- " eh Ali, nanti mau pergi main bola? "
" u pergi lah... "
" like that la?! mau jadi kutu yer? "

- less people in your 'online' list in msn

- less people in garena also...

- uhhh.... cannot remember

- now got how many edi ah?

- oh

- and... (doesn't mean that this is the last one) more and more people asking you this question ... " You study edi? "

- you feel annoyed and you answer " no "

- as for me... I'm telling the truth =S

- Bukan itu sahaja... maybe got people suddenly experience alien abduction

- and also... less people reading this blog T_T

- aiyah lazy to think liao. I'm sure u also noe edi rite? =.=" wasted my time...

anyway... hehe no videos in this post ^^ cuz... I understand that you will notice that you've just wasted so much time as well, reading this dumb post while you haven't even touched the book in front of you

Walau bagaimanapun, if you're reading this after the exams rite... I have nothing to say =_=

Tuah _